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How To Request Google Reviews

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    The Importance of Google Reviews

    Google reviews are a vital part of a business’s online presence. They can significantly impact a business’s local search engine optimization (SEO), helping the business appear in the “local pack” of businesses that Google displays at the top of local search results.

    Reviews also help build trust with potential customers. According to a 2023 survey by BrightLocal, 91% of consumers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations, and 84% of people trust businesses with a rating of 4-5 stars.

    Finally, reviews can influence purchase decisions. Consumers are more likely to choose a business with positive reviews over a business with fewer or negative reviews.

    How to Ask for Google Reviews

    Asking for reviews is a crucial part of improving your online presence. Here are some effective ways to ask for Google reviews:

    1. Ask via Email: Email is a powerful tool for asking for reviews. Consider sending a personalized email after a customer has made a purchase or used your service. The email should thank them for their business, explain the importance of reviews, and provide a direct link to your Google My Business page.
    2. Ask at the End of a Service: If you provide a service, asking for a review at the end of the service can be highly effective. This could be via a follow-up email or a phone call. Make sure to ask for feedback when the experience is still fresh in the customer’s mind.
    3. Ask on Social Media: If you have a strong social media presence, use it to your advantage. Post a link to your Google My Business page and ask your followers to leave a review.

    Identifying Opportunities to Ask for Reviews

    The best time to ask for a review often depends on the type of business and the customer journey. Here are some examples for different types of businesses:

    1. Manufacturing Businesses: For businesses that manufacture products, it might make sense to ask for a review after the customer has received the product and had some time to use it.
    2. Ecommerce Businesses: Ecommerce businesses could ask after a customer has made a purchase, after the product has been delivered, or a few weeks after delivery to give the customer time to use the product.
    3. Higher Education Institutions: Universities and colleges could ask for reviews at the end of each semester, upon graduation, or after significant events like job fairs or guest lectures.
    4. Service-Based Businesses: For businesses that provide services, the best time to ask for a review is often after the service has been provided.

    Incorporating Requesting Reviews into Your Workflow

    Incorporating the process of asking for reviews into your regular business workflow can help ensure that you’re consistently gathering new reviews. Here are some strategies:

    1. Automate Email Requests: Consider using email marketing software to automate review requests. After a customer makes a purchase or uses your service, the system can automatically send them an email asking for a review.
    2. Train Your Team: Make sure everyone on your team understands the importance of reviews and how to ask for them. This could be part of the onboarding process for new team members and a regular topic in team meetings.
    3. Set a Regular Schedule: Decide how often you’ll ask for reviews and stick to that schedule. Regularly asking for reviews can help maintain a steady stream of recent reviews.
    4. Monitor Your Reviews: Assign someone on your team to monitor your reviews regularly. This person can respond to reviews, report on trends, and alert the rest of the team to any issues that need to be addressed.

    Email Templates for Requesting Google Reviews

    Email is a great way to request reviews from your customers. Here are a few templates that your clients can use or adapt to fit their needs:

    Post-Purchase Email

    Subject: Thanks for Your Purchase from [Your Business Name]!

    Dear [Customer’s Name],

    Thank you for your recent purchase from [Your Business Name].
    We hope you’re enjoying your


    We’d appreciate it if you could take a few minutes to leave a review of your experience on our Google page. Your feedback not only helps us, but it also helps other potential customers.

    [Insert Google Business Profile link here]

    Thank you for your time and support!


    [Your Name]

    Post-Service Email

    Subject: How Did We Do?

    Dear [Customer’s Name],

    Thank you for choosing [Your Business Name] for your recent [service]. We hope we met your expectations.

    We’d appreciate it if you could take a few minutes to review us on Google. Your feedback is invaluable to us and helps us continually improve our services.

    [Insert Google My Business link here]

    Thank you for your time and support!


    [Your Name]

    Reminder Email

    Subject: We’d Love to Hear Your Thoughts!

    Dear [Customer’s Name],

    A few weeks ago, you made a purchase from [Your Business Name]. We hope you’re enjoying your


    If you haven’t already, we’d appreciate it if you could take a few minutes to leave a review of your experience on our Google page.

    [Insert Google My Business link here]

    Thank you for your time and support!


    [Your Name]

    Responding to Google Reviews

    Responding to Google reviews is just as important as receiving them. It shows that you value your customers’ feedback and are committed to improving your business. Here are some tips on how to respond to both positive and negative reviews:

    1. Positive Reviews: Thank the customer for their review and any compliments they gave. You can also use this opportunity to highlight some of your business’s values or strengths.
    1. Negative Reviews: Responding to negative reviews can be challenging, but it’s crucial to handle them professionally. Apologize for the customer’s poor experience, address their concerns, and offer a solution or ask them to contact you privately to resolve the issue.
    2. Neutral Reviews: For reviews that are neither clearly positive nor negative, thank the customer for their feedback and address any specific issues they mentioned.


    Monitoring and Using Reviews

    Google reviews can provide valuable insights into your business’s strengths and areas for improvement. Here’s how to monitor and use your reviews:

    1. Monitor Reviews Regularly: Assign someone on your team to check your Google reviews regularly. This will help you stay on top of what customers are saying about your business and respond promptly to their feedback.
    1. Analyze Feedback: Look for trends in your reviews. Are customers consistently praising certain aspects of your business? Are there common complaints? This feedback can help you understand what you’re doing well and where you need to improve.
    1. Use Positive Reviews in Marketing: Positive reviews can be a powerful marketing tool. Consider featuring them on your website, in social media posts, or in other marketing materials (with the reviewer’s permission, of course).
    1. Learn from Negative Reviews: No one likes receiving negative reviews, but they can provide valuable feedback. Use them as an opportunity to improve your business. If you see consistent complaints about a particular issue, it’s a sign that you need to address that problem.
    1. Engage with Your Reviewers: Responding to reviews not only shows that you value customer feedback, but it also gives you a chance to engage with your customers. Thank them for their feedback, answer their questions, and show that you’re committed to improving their experience.
    About the Author

    Former Colleague: SEO Specialist

    Carolyn was an SEO Specialist on our team in 2024.
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